
Friday, 6pm: Happy hour & appetizers at The Chimes, at 3357 Highland Road.

Saturday, 1-4pm: Family BBQ at Collis' house

Saturday, 8pm: Reunion at Chelsea's Cafe under the Perkins Road overpass, with open bar & food 8-11, and Soul Rebels Brass Band at 11

Sunday, 2pm: Class photo, tour of UHS, and memorial

Sunday, February 13, 2005

looking for email addresses...

here's a list of the folks I have contacted so far...please share with me fellow grads' emails that are not on this list. thank you!

Gretta Lynn Blankenship, Annie Collier, Charlie Colvin, Paige Dampf, Joslyn Downing, Willie Elias, Marcus Etienne, Anna Fornias, Clint Griswold, Reagan Jackson, Andy Redman, Trent Rives, Taylor Stewart, and Katherine Thomas.

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